50 K to 1 Lac
NARAIN UDYOG was established in the year 1980. This company deals in Agarbatti, dhoop, Hawan samagri, & other pooja related items. The major objective of this company is to provide their customers a good quality Agarbatti, dhoop, Hawan samagri, & other pooja related items. PRIYA KESARWANI is the owner of this company. They have very good quality products that too in affordable range that anyone can buy it without investing a lot on it.
Also, one can start distributorship in Agarbatti, dhoop, Hawan samagri, & other pooja related items with ‘NARAIN UDYOG’. Or, become super stockist of such products and gain profit. They offer high profit margin if you start business with this company.
• Hassle free transaction
• High quality products
• Affordable rates
• Easy mode of payment
• Honesty and Transparency
• They manufacture high quality products
• They are easily available at affordable prices
• Use very good quality ingredients in the manufacturing process of the products
• Easily available at any shops
• Use chemicals that are not at all harmful for you while using
• Products are made from natural extracts which is just amazing
• One can use this product without having any fear of side effects
Do you have a standard distributorship agreement? Yes
How long is the distributorship term for? 1
Is the term renewable? Yes
Name | Manav |
Company Name | NARAIN UDYOG |
Address | Uttar Pradesh |
Mobile | +91-7827018216 |