Kitchen Affairs
8 %
300 sqft
1 Lac to 2 Lacs
The company named ‘Ravi Sales Agency’ was established in the year 1983. Mr. Mahesh Kumar Sanghi is the owner of this company and it is situated in Madhya Pradesh, India. Ravi Sales Agency Products manufactures products of high quality that everyone loves to use. Also, they are available at a very affordable range so that every level of people can easily get them.
Apart from this, they also offer distributorship opportunities to the people via which the products can be available in every part of India. You can become a distributor of thier products or start a distributorship in these products with Ravi Sales Agency Products Company.
• Hassle free transaction
• High quality products
• Affordable rates
• Easy mode of payment
• Honesty and Transparency
Do you have a standard distributorship agreement? Yes
How long is the distributorship term for? 1 Year
Is the term renewable? Yes
Name | Mr. Mahesh Kumar Sanghi |
Company Name | Ravi Sales Agency |
Address | Madhya Pradesh |
Mobile | +91-7827018216 |