8% - 10%
50 K to 1 Lac
The company named ‘SWARNIM ENTERPRISES’ was established in the year 2011. SAMEER AGARWAL is the owner of this company and it is situated in Lucknow, U.P, India. It is a great name in the world of Ayurvedic Medicines products. The main objective to manufacture this product is to provide the Indians a better Ayurvedic Medicines product.
SWARNIM ENTERPRISES manufactures goods or products of high quality that everyone loves to use. Also, they are available at a very affordable range so that every level of people can easily get it without investing too much on it.
Apart from this, they also offer distributorship opportunity to the people via which it can be available at each and every part of India. With the assistance of B Integrators team, you can become distributor of better Ayurvedic Medicines products or start distributorship in better Ayurvedic Medicines products with SWARNIM ENTERPRISES.
• Hassle free transaction
• High quality products
• Affordable rates
• Easy mode of payment
• Honesty and Transparency
• Products are easily available at an affordable price
• SWARNIM ENTERPRISES Company manufactures good quality products that are loved by everyone
• Easily available at medical shops, grocery shops or confectionery shops
• Ingredients used in the manufacturing process of this product is no natural
• They use fewer chemicals so that it does not show any side effects
• Products are prepared with natural extracts and so it does not have any side effects
Do you have a standard distributorship agreement? Yes
How long is the distributorship term for? 1
Is the term renewable? Yes
Address | Uttar Pradesh |
Mobile | +91-7827018216 |